"red laser sight for pistol" の検索結果 1181 件

  1. Music video (MV) debut for “The Young and Proud” by FOR-U Smart Freight

    Music video (MV) debut for “The Young and Proud” by FOR-U Smart Freight

    Music video (MV) debut for “The Young and Proud” by FOR-U Smart Freight2022-03-18 MV Poster for the 7th Anniversary of FOR-U Smart Freight MV of “The Young and Proud” for the 7th Anniversary of For...

  2. Shan Dandan and other female entrepreneurs are taking actions for the goal that “Chinese working mot

    Shan Dandan and other female entrepreneurs are taking actions for the goal that “Chinese working mot

    During the Two Sessions (NPC and CPPCC) this year, many of the proposals made by the delegates were related to women. Among them, the balance between a woman's career and her fertility was a p...

  3. The First Safety Operation Specifications for Internet Freight Platform Organizational Standards Rel

    The First Safety Operation Specifications for Internet Freight Platform Organizational Standards Rel

    Recently, the China Communications and Transportation Association officially released the Safety Operation Specifications for Internet Freight Platform Organizational Standards, which lays out the ...

  4. FOR-U Smart Freight Named on Global Unicorn Index 2021 by Hurun Research Institute

    FOR-U Smart Freight Named on Global Unicorn Index 2021 by Hurun Research Institute

    On December 20, the Hurun Research Institute released its Global Unicorn Index 2021, a list of unlisted companies founded after 2000 that are now worth more than $1 billion. Ranked on the list was ...

  5. FOR-U Smart Freight wins 2021 Corporate ESG Practice of the Year Award

    FOR-U Smart Freight wins 2021 Corporate ESG Practice of the Year Award

    On December 15, at the 4th Annual Jie Mian Finance Conference in Shanghai, organized by the Shanghai United Media Group and Jie Mian News, FOR-U Smart Freight was named a winner in the Corporate ES...

  6. YICAI Daily|FOR-U Smart Freight makes road transport smarter and simpler

    YICAI Daily|FOR-U Smart Freight makes road transport smarter and simpler

    Source: YICAI DailyBy Zhang Yuanke, Di LingyueOn December 10, the winners of Ernst Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 China Awards (EOY 2021) were unveiled. Eleven Chinese entrepreneurs have won ...

  7. FOR-U Smart Freight awarded 2021 Progress in Science and Technology Award from CELP

    FOR-U Smart Freight awarded 2021 Progress in Science and Technology Award from CELP

    Forwarded from chinadaily.com.cnOn September 27, at the 14th National Modern Logistics Science and Technology Innovation Conference – 2021 China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing Science and T...

  8. [4923]ディープ・デモクラシーへの実践的ステップ


    [4923]ディープ・デモクラシー葛藤解決への実践的ステップアーノルド・ミンデル、春秋社、2013The Deep Democracy of Open Forums: Practical Steps tp Conflict Prevention and Resolutions for the Family, Workplace and World by Arnold Mindel, 200...

  9. 36氪WISE 2021新经济之王峰会|单丹丹:产业互联网效率制胜,公路货运「标准化」进化

    36氪WISE 2021新经济之王峰会|单丹丹:产业互联网效率制胜,公路货运「标准化」进化

    12月13日,以「硬核时代」为主题的36氪 WISE 2021 新经济之王峰会在上海举行。「硬核」是当下时代和大环境带给中国新经济企业的挑战和机遇,一方面要求企业关注技术创新,找到自身「硬核」壁垒;另一方面要求企业回馈社会,展现更多「硬核」责任与担当。 福佑卡车FUYOUKACHE创始人兼CEO单丹丹以「卡车总动员」(TRUCKING STORY)为主题,分享了福佑卡车在公路货运领域不断用科...

  10. 7张面孔,串起2021的物流记忆|FOR-U


    中国近520万公里的公路上每年流通着数百亿吨货物。这些货物牵动着社会的经济运转,牵动着工厂与商家的日常经营,牵动着老百姓的生活消费。 2021年,我们运输了很多货物。有你们的「双11」战利品,有让我们追捧的国货鸿星尔克,有各地防疫物资、防汛物资,还有来自各方的救援物资······ 忙忙碌碌中,我们也看到在货运台前或幕后的许多面孔。 年末了,他们此时或奔赴在公路之上,或在等待机会再次出发,有人...

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