"NH026" の検索結果 13823 件

  1. Sol-Gel Synthesis of CeWTi Catalysts via Ammonium Paratungstate

    Sol-Gel Synthesis of CeWTi Catalysts via Ammonium Paratungstate

    The environmental issues and health effects by nitrogen oxides (NOx) had caught more attentions in the past decade. The main source of NOx resulting from human activities is the burning of fossil f...

  2. Hydrothermal Synthesis Preparation of Pyrochlore Tungsten Oxide

    Hydrothermal Synthesis Preparation of Pyrochlore Tungsten Oxide

    Pyrochlore-type tungsten oxide is a special form of tungsten trioxide, which uses the WO6 octahedron as the structural unit to form a layered structure with circular tunnels through the corner top ...

  3. Ion Exchange Method Separation of Tungsten and Molybdenum

    Ion Exchange Method Separation of Tungsten and Molybdenum

    Tungsten and molybdenum are similar elements, and their properties are very similar. Therefore, separation of tungsten and molybdenum has been an important research direction in tungsten metallurgy...

  4. Tungsten Bronze Preparation Strategy

    Tungsten Bronze Preparation Strategy

    The band gap of tungsten bronze (MxWO3) is about 2.7 eV, and it has free-migrating electrons. It is one of the most suitable materials for transparent and thermal insulation. Research shows that tu...

  5. 2023_026


  6. 太陽系は約46億年前、銀河系(天の川銀河)の中心から約26,000光年離れた、オリオン腕の中に位置。


    Hrithik RoshanはSabaAzadで愛を見つけましたか?ダモダルダス モディ नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी Narendra Damodardas Modi 1950 9 17生 18代インド首相前グジャラート州首相2022年 01月 29日ナレンドラ ダモダルダス モディ नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी Narendra Damodardas ...

  7. 美少年ゴルフデビューする



  8. 太陽系は約46億年前、銀河系(天の川銀河)の中心から約26,000光年離れた、オリオン腕の中に位置。


    ナレンドラ ダモダルダス モディ नरेन्द्र दामोदरदास मोदी Narendr2022-01-27 09:55:55Hindustan Times 昨日 3:30 · Rekha Devi, wife of one of the 20 #Galwan braves, looks set to pursue an army career after clearing a...

  9. 遂にWAZ達成ーハイブリッド申請


    自作14MHz FT8送・受信機とルーフタワーに上げたミニマルチ製3エレトライバンダーで2022年12月15日付けでデジタル特記付きDXCCを達成したところである。https://fujichrome.exblog.jp/32922207/1979年の開局以来にSSBとCWで交信した108カントリー分のQSLでDXCCを申請したのが2015年であった。https://fujichrome.e...

  10. Ammonia at Room Temperature Dissolved Ammonium Paratungstate Recycle

    Ammonia at Room Temperature Dissolved Ammonium Paratungstate Recycle

    At present, some manufacturers in order to reduce the cost, improve the recycle rate of tungsten smelting, substandard ammonium paratungstate recycle as seeds to melted down, we can get rid of unqu...

61 - 70 / 総件数:13823 件