"Tri-Tip" の検索結果 476 件

  1. A traveler who seems unnecessarily lonely

    A traveler who seems unnecessarily lonely

    A traveler who seem unnecessarily lonelyA lot of shoppers were heading for the shopping mall on the escalator.A traveler passed by pulling a trolley bag."Many" vs. "One", "...

  2. Where real and virtual images are mixed

    Where real and virtual images are mixed

    Where real and virtual images are mixedThe skyscraper district in front of Nagoya Station has many buildings with large glass areas.On a sunny day, the real image in the window and the virtual imag...

  3. A pygmy hippopotamus admiring the shadows of winter trees

    A pygmy hippopotamus admiring the shadows of winter trees

    A pygmy hippopotamus admiring the shadows of winter treesThe pygmy hippopotamus is a new hippopotamus discovered in the 20th century.At first glance, it seems that it is just smaller than a common ...

  4. ARGON18トライアスロンバイク試乗車


    2月最終日、今日もボチボチと作業。スロースタートの方もそろそろ今シーズンに向けて動き出す頃かな~。そんないい感じのタイミングで久しぶりにARGON18試乗車をお借りすることができました。トライアスロンバイク2台でE-117TRI DISC XSサイズE-118TRI XSサイズになります。どっちも同じサイズなんですが・・・ちなみにE-117TRIのリムブレーキ仕様は昨年で終了モデルとなってま...

  5. Finally installed

    Finally installed

    Finally installedUntil September 2007, I was commuting from Aichi Prefecture to the Tokyo metropolitan area.Every week, I had to transfer to the Higashiyama subway line and the JR Shinkansen, but i...

  6. Could Be A Nice Gift

    Could Be A Nice Gift

    Could be a good giftValentine's Day is considered a day to confess romantic feelings.In Japan, it has long been considered a day when women give chocolates to men and confess their love.This s...

  7. Blasphemy to the red flower

    Blasphemy to the red flower

    Blasphemy to the red flowerWinter is the season when flowers are scarce.Since there are few colors of flowers, it is the season of achromatic images.Even in such a lonely season, the red color of a...

  8. How to carry a foldable trolley cart on stairs

    How to carry a foldable trolley cart on stairs

    How to carry a foldable trolley cart on stairsI'm not sure what is the authentic way to carry foldable trolleys on stairs, that couriers often use to carry packages.The other day, I witnessed ...

  9. Tri-Tip Steak(友三角)を焼いてみた

    Tri-Tip Steak(友三角)を焼いてみた

    日本語で友三角というらしいモモの下にある部位の、Tri-Tip Steakを焼いてみました。ステーキといえばニューヨークステーキが中心なので、Tri-Tipを焼くのは初めてです。RUBといって香辛料を色々合わせたものを肉に塗り、室温で1時間寝かせます。そして、厚手のフライパンで脂身の方を焦げ付くぐらい焼きます。フライパンをそのままオーブンに入れ、1ポンドにつき10分ぐらい焼きます。プライパン...

  10. 雨上り


    Leica M2 Summaron 35mm f3.5 KODAK TRI-X 400にほんブログ村

1 - 10 / 総件数:476 件