"Steam" の検索結果 99 件

  1. This ensures proper performance of the boiler

    This ensures proper performance of the boiler

    When it comes to maintaining hard surfaces, vapor steam cleanermachines offer one of the best options. Today, steam cleaners are usedto clean hard surfaces ranging from sealed wood floors to porcel...

  2. The best straightening irons should have longer warranty

    The best straightening irons should have longer warranty

    Today, more and more women love to have a long straight hair and to be able to achieve that look, some go to a parlor for straightening but more women prepare to have their hair fixed at home using...

  3. テクノロジーとリベラルアーツそしてヒューマニティ


    AppleのDNAとして Steve Jobs が語ったこと。 デザインすること、あるいはSTEAM教育を考える上で示唆に富むものです。高校教育で理系と文系に分けてることの弊害が語られるようになってきました。“It is in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough- that it’s technology married with ...

  4.  Steve Jobsの仕事からUIデザインUXデザインを考えてみる

    Steve Jobsの仕事からUIデザインUXデザインを考えてみる

    Steve Jobsの仕事についてまとめた30分ほどの映像がある。彼がAppleを作って間もない頃のインタービューからはじまり、 IPhoneを世に送り出した時のプレゼン。当時、これはすごいハードウエアができたものだと感じていたが、むしろ注目すべきはUIであることが、わかる。この写真のプレゼン画面の言葉に注目したい。そしてこの動画のインタビューでは彼が1997年ゼロックスで見たGUIが、こ...

  5. 経済産業省の「未来の教室」


    教育といえば文部科学省であるし、学校教育は教育基本をベースとした「学習指導要領」をもとに進められている。一方で経済産業省からは、人材育成の視点から VUCAの時代の教育を、どんどん提案している。「未来の教室」が、それだ。多面的な視点で教育を考えていく必要があるだろう。下の図は経済産業省の WEBサイト「未来の教室」のスクリーンショット数年前のは図の中央は一人ひとりの「ワクワク」ではなく「 ...

  6. Does ironing take hours of your precious time

    Does ironing take hours of your precious time

    Does ironing take hours of your precious time? Are you tired of folds, pockets and collars ironing challenges? Make use of a steamer by Fridja to do away with the acute issues once and for all! The...

  7. Getting a small business loan is advantageous to meet different business needs

    Getting a small business loan is advantageous to meet different business needs

    Getting a small business loan is advantageous to meet different business needs. Unfortunately, loan approval depends upon many factors. Many loan applications fail due to certain mistakes. So let u...

  8. The nozzles can be changed without having to stop the flosser

    The nozzles can be changed without having to stop the flosser

    It is waterproof and has a large water tank. It also has a detachable nozzle. The reservoir is large enough to last for up to 14 days on a full charge. It can be filled with warm or cold water.The ...

  9. Iron is an essential nutrient needed for the normal functioning of our body

    Iron is an essential nutrient needed for the normal functioning of our body

    Iron is an essential nutrient needed for the normal functioning of our body. Low level of iron is one among the main causes of health issues like fatigue. Iron plays a major role in transporting ox...

  10. To save cash and nonetheless get a good selection

    To save cash and nonetheless get a good selection

    The look of your homemade simple wedding centerpieces shall be tremendously affected by the standard of the supplies you use. To save cash and nonetheless get a good selection of high quality gadge...

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