"katana with straight blade" の検索結果 875 件

  1. 贈答歌(exchanged tanka)

    贈答歌(exchanged tanka)

    四年前の写真より瑠璃さまの詠める一首梅一輪鹿の歩める野に出でて親しき人と花びらに酔う瑠璃 かへし(返歌)天平のおもかげ宿す瑠璃の盃 花を浮かべてくちびるを待つ snowdrop

  2. Craftsmanship and Differences of Katana Curved

    Craftsmanship and Differences of Katana Curved

    Why are katana swords curved?This happens during the clay tempered process stage, clay is coated on the sword ridge, when quenching the blade, the part not covered by clay cools faster and becomes ...

  3. Katana Blade: Symbolizes the Identity and Status of the Japanese Samurai

    Katana Blade: Symbolizes the Identity and Status of the Japanese Samurai

    As the saying goes: "A layman sees the fun, an expert sees the way", most people are easily attracted by the gorgeous appearance of Japanese swords, but their knowledge of the blade is li...

  4. Why is the Japanese Murayasa Samurai Sword Called Demon Sword?

    Why is the Japanese Murayasa Samurai Sword Called Demon Sword?

    It was originally the name of Ise's swordsmanship for about a hundred years from the middle of the Muromachi period to the Tensho period. At that time, Japan was entering the turbulent period ...

  5. Check out the Famous Samurai Katana Sword in Japanese History

    Check out the Famous Samurai Katana Sword in Japanese History

    It is said that there were two very famous swords in ancient Japan, one called Muramasa and the other known as Masamune. According to legend, someone once tried to test to see which of the two kniv...

  6. What Are the Katana Sword Techniques and Precautions for Use?

    What Are the Katana Sword Techniques and Precautions for Use?

    I. The technique of using katana sword The essence of katana sword is speed, and the essence of Iaido is the first sword, which is recognized by most schools. Pay attention to the knife, do not fac...

  7. 7 Tips on Daily Maintenance of Japanese Katana Swords

    7 Tips on Daily Maintenance of Japanese Katana Swords

    1. The removal of the nails of Japanese katana swords The eye nails are made of materials such as bamboo, horn or ivory, and the purpose is to fix the knife, so it must be removed. Most japanese ka...

  8. What Are Some Things Worth Knowing About Japanese Sword?

    What Are Some Things Worth Knowing About Japanese Sword?

    As a weapon, japanese sword has both function and beauty. It often appears in anime, games and film and television works. There should be many friends who are interested in japanese sword. 1. The m...

  9. What Are the Characteristics of Longquan Sword?

    What Are the Characteristics of Longquan Sword?

    A long time ago, China's metal smelting and casting technology has reached a very high level. Modern unearthed cultural relics can also be proved. In 1956, when excavating the tomb of Chu, it ...

  10. 源氏の祖廟の前で・・・


    「Kawanishi Art Project With 2023」。その一環として、ご近所にある清和源氏の祖を祀る「多田神社」では、川西市出身で水中写真家の「鍵井靖章」が世界中の海で影した映像を、川西市在住の映像作家、「濱雅則」が制作し、音楽家でサウンド・アーティストの「安井麻人」による奉納演奏と合わせて、プロジェクション・マッピングする「Shrine Of Blue」が行われるというので、...

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